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Welcome to Mind and Energy!


Home: About

Mind&Energy is based  in the Wellness Hub in Airdrie
53A Alexander Street, Airdrie ML6 0BD

 Mission statement


Mind and energy was originally developed in 2014 under the name youth nurture, the aim was to support young people to build self-esteem and confidence through mindfulness, and also learning the skills to manage their own mental health and wellbeing. This still stands, prevention was always the aim, in turn giving children the chance to grow into happy healthy adults, with the skills to face any challenges the world had for them. However, as time has raced on, Emma developed as a CBT practitioner and received requests and enquires from adults looking for support, She found mindfulness alone was perhaps the prevention, but CBT was the key. Developing her own MBCT program Emma’s aim was to combine the working relationship between both the mind and the body. Adding both Reiki and EFT to clear any blockages in the body and work with the mind to support clients to move forward with an awareness of their own mental wellbeing, looking after themselves and spotting their own personal patterns/signs of any possible relapse.

Home: Our Programs
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